Thursday, May 9, 2019

May 9 – “The what?”

We had an off day from walking yesterday.  Not because of any high-falutin’ athletic-sounding reason, though.  I had an appointment with the eye doctor.  No particular problems.  It has just been two or three years since I had a yearly checkup.  Also, I really wanted to have a spare pair of glasses for our trips that we take.  Especially the ones to Alaska and the Panama Canal.  That time my glasses broke right in half at the nose while we were somewhere up the country made the experience difficult at best. 

So the inspector’s report … all is pretty much OK.  She informed me about the cataract in my left eye that I didn’t know I had (The what?  That would be the cataract I didn’t know I had.  I’m pretty sure I knew there was a left eye in there somewhere).  I had one removed or repaired or whatever it is they do with cataracts in my right eye several years ago.  This new one is only rated a one out of four, so it’s “nothing to worry about … yet.  Come back next year and we’ll keep an eye on it.”  Wonderful. 

She also did the proverbial, “Which is better, one or two?” test.  My prescription hasn’t really changed that much, but like I said, I really wanted to have a spare pair of glasses.  After the exam the doc took me over to the glasses buying place to have them hook me up.  She said I should try to keep the style as close to what I have as possible so it will be easier to get accustomed to them.  Rats.  So much for my return to the wide-frame brown rimmed specials I had in the seventies.  The glasses were a big money hit, but, hey … I now will have a spare pair of glasses. 

On the sporting front, we took Cailyn to softball practice last night.  Well, that would be after we went to Whataburger for some supper, of course.  I have to say I was impressed by the practice.  It was organized into work stations, with a coach running each station.  The girls rotated through each one.  It was quite thorough, and the coaches were kind of hard on the girls, but the girls seemed to be having a lot of fun.  They even did some situational drills (My pet peeve about youngsters’ practices.  They don’t teach them how to play the game).  All in all it was just how a practice should be run.  Kudos to the coaches.

2 Corinthians 7:10 says, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leave no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”

Father, thank you for the array of knowledge you have revealed to us about how the eye you created works.  Just amazing.  Amen.

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