Monday, May 6, 2019

May 6 – “A Poopy Morning”

Well, that was an interesting start to the morning.  We were scheduled to pick up Cailyn for church with us at around 8 a.m.  Never a problem.  However, at 5:59 I received a text from Nathan, who had to be at work by 6:30.  The interchange went like this:
Nathan: “Can Cailyn come on over in about 15?  We’ve had a Poopy morning and everyone is awake!!”

Now, how would you respond to something like that?  I mean, I have had a few poor starts to the day, and I have come up with some colorful adjectives to describe them, but “Poopy” (capital letter his) just seemed a little extreme.  I was carefully formulating my response of encouragement when my phone’s alert sound once again pierced the early morning air. 
Nathan: “One of the dogs got sick last night and had diarrhea everywhere!!”

Ah.  Now it makes sense.  The appeal was ever so much more than just a reflection of a day’s bad start.  It was an actual reference to an actual Poopy event.  That changed everything.  I deleted my previous effort at a response.  Shifted gears from the realm of emotive response to the simple and practical.  I responded:
Me: “Leave the poop.  Bring the kid!”

Within 15 minutes Cailyn was walking through our door, ready to join us for another great day at church, all thoughts of poopiness and stinkiness left behind.  Sadly, she and Chris returned to the scene of the crime (I couldn’t leave with them  I had another appointment with Justin Verlander and Alex Bregman and a few of their closest friends … the Astros were playing in Monterrey, Mexico).  The girls had to close and lock the ventilation window and turn off the circulation fans.  Cailyn said she could still smell the poopiness.  Chris said all she could smell was potpourri.  Sounds like the same to me – poopy … po-poo-ree.  Yep.  Both strong smells.  I think I’ll stick with … Go Astros.

Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Father, please help Nathan and April and the vet sort out what the problem is with their pups.  Amen.

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