Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29 – “Saving the day”

Yesterday turned into a medical day for some reason.  It started with my knee doctor appointment.  I guess that should read “surgeon,” to be more accurate.  That was at 8:20.  I love those early appointments.  Never very many people on hand.  Things go much quicker.  Doctor seems fresher.  And speaking of the doc, all seems good with the knee.  She still assures me that the occasional stiffness and soreness should pass … in about a year.  Sigh.

When I left the appointment I went by the hospital next door to see Hutch, the guy who just had brain surgery. Both he and his wife were sound asleep, so I was careful not to wake them.  I did leave a message and my church business card. 

On my way home I stopped by station two.  Nothing medical about it, just a visit to check in.  I stayed and chatted with the guys for a half hour or so.  Always a lot of fun to hear their stories.

After lunch we headed into Texas to make yet another hospital visit.  Jennifer was hospitalized with a surprise diagnosis of congestive heart failure.  It was a surprise because they went in thinking she had broken her ankle again.  That was just a sprain.  The heart failure part was caught early on, though, so if she does what the docs say she should be OK for the long haul. 

We stopped at Hobby Lobby while we were right there to pick up some more pieces for the scrapbook Chris has been putting together.  Pretty soon we’ll be able to remember our Disney vacation from a few years ago.  While there we wondered aloud if Cailyn ever found a costume for her school project on the Greek goddess Artemis.  There was a Party Store across the parking lot, so Chris texted Nathan to see about the status of the costume.  Seems one had been ordered, and was due to be delivered “By 8 p.m.”  Not so helpful when the presentation was due to occur at 5:30.  We ran over to the store and sure enough found an actual Greek goddess costume … in her size.  We got it to her in plenty of time.  Just your normal everyday superhero grandparents saving the day.  WooHoo.  As it turned out, the one they ordered arrived literally as they were walking out the door on their way to the school.  She was already dressed, though, so all worked out well.  Not to mention that her project was great.  Good research.  Good costume.  Gorgeous little Greek goddess …

Philippians 2:13 says, “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Father, please be with Hutch and Jennifer as they recovering and begin the new healing process.  Amen.

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