Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22 – “Oh, but don’t worry”

Bed bug update.  I received an email response from whomever it is who reads those online surveys.  It was not the general manager who promised to call.  They were very apologetic, and of course blamed the presence of the bedbugs on the person who stayed in the room before me.    We have been issued 12,000 points on our Choice Privilege account which, according to the email “should enable you to book a free night at a similar Choice property.”  It will take 3 to 4 business days for the points to appear, and if we don’t see the points in that period of time, we should reach out to them.  Great.  Something else to keep track of.  So we still have to pay for the bedbug room, but we may get a free room in the future.  Sigh. 

Back to our day yesterday.  Started early since we had to get Cailyn to school.  Then Chris immediately left town to do some babysitting in LaMarque.  Left to my own devices, I started out by picking up my new glasses.  They don’t look all that different from my old ones, and the prescription isn’t that different, either.  But now I actually have a spare pair. 

Next I stopped by station one to check in with the fire chief.  Well, really to check in with the administrative assistant Trish.  She is training her replacement.  Trish is retiring in a few months.  I got to meet Jenna.  Seems pretty nice.  She has some big shoes to fill (Not that Trish has big feet, you understand).  I found out that the new station will be opening by the end of July and the dedication will be in August.  That’s good.  We’ll be back from Alaska then.

From there I headed out to the church.  Sunday we realized that our phones had no dial tone.  I called Comcast Business, and after some over-the-phone-lines finagling, they realized that a technician would have to come out to properly address the issue.  Of course he will.  “Oh, but don’t worry,” I was told.  “He could be there within 30 minutes.  (Long pause)  Or it could be up to four hours.”  There it was.  And yep.  They really said that.  I stayed around the church doing some work there before I headed home for lunch.  The voice on the phone had assured me that the tech would call about 30 minutes before he arrived.  Right.  He called all right.  From the church parking lot.  Just as my corn dog was coming out of the oven.  I told him I would be there in about 15 minutes, grabbed my dog and jumped back in the car.  After his initial inspection and before “this one final test” he said our problem would no doubt require either restringing every phone line on the property (something they don’t do.  Not sure who does) or replacing the actual phones.  The final test would reveal which.  It was a tense situation.  First his tester battery died.  Once that was replaced he hooked it up to our phone line, called the number and … voila … it rang.  That meant the issue was with our phones.  They were causing the modem to somehow short out.  Now all I have to do is stop by WalMart and pick up a new phone.  We’ll see …

John 3:18 says, “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only son.”

Father, thanks for that tech I met yesterday.  Give him an easy shift today, and draw him to yourself in the process.  Amen.

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