Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6 – “A foodly expression”

We were blessed and highly favored at just the right time yesterday.  Chris was up to her elbows in preparations for Bethlehem Street Market coming up this Saturday.  And she has been for pretty much all of this week and much of last.  Tuesday she worked most of the afternoon with some of the Seaside ladies putting up Christmas trees and cleaning.  Yesterday she put in an entire workday at the church with Lauren.  They swept and mopped the worship center, vacuumed the retreat center, cleaned bathrooms, restocked toilet paper and paper towels, and even made time to mark out all the booth spaces for Saturday.  Today after taking me to physical therapy, she has to make a Sam’s run to get the stuff for the food, and then has to be back in time to pick up Cailyn from school.  And in between there she sees that I have the correct medications and have access to everything I might need that I’m not able to get to on my own.  Wow.  What a menu of items.  What a woman to check off all those “todo’s.” 

So all of that to say, Ed and Pat (Seasiders) showed up with a meatloaf and potatoes and carrots for lunch.  Not to mention the brownies (for me, according to Ed) and pretty flowers (obviously for Chris).  Now don’t get me wrong.  We haven’t been going hungry or anything.  We still had some ham from Thanksgiving and those complete meal things, and Chris is a master at putting together meals at a moment’s notice.  It’s just that, as humbling as it is to be on the receiving end instead of being the one doing the giving, it was very nice in the midst of the madness to be able to simply peel back the aluminum foil and dig in.  And there was plenty for some great leftovers last night.  Thank you, Ed and Pat, for your foodly expression of practical love. 

Psalms 119:18-19 says, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.  I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me.”

Father, thank you for The Jackson’s and for the others who have shown us expressions of love in various forms.  Bless them.  Amen.

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