Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16 – “Heading for Howdy Doodies”

On explicit orders from my live-in nurse, I took it very easy yesterday.  After all that hard work at the Christmas party, I slept through most of the night – just one bathroom break.  And I’m told I took three or four really good naps during the day.  Don’t remember.  I must have been asleep.

When I wasn’t sleeping I did my best to help Chris put stuff back together after that party.  That was one stretch that was enough to knock me out again.  When I woke up that time Chris was standing nearby with a frustrated air about her.  Seems she had gotten the old dog door flap off with no problem, but was having no small difficulty getting the new one installed.  Apparently her arms weren’t quite long enough to work on both sides of the door at the same time.  After some negotiating and then some finagling, I sat on a step stool.  Between the two of us … we got the job done. What a team.

And now this morning I am heading out to another adventure, pretty much against the advice of my physical therapist.  She advised me to “stay away from crowds and holiday doings until after the first of the year.”  I figured I already blew the second one out of the water by hosting the party (the very night she told me that).  Why not just go for perfection and make it two for two?  I’m going back to church.  Sort of.  Kel is preaching for me again, but I’m gonna be there.  I may do the howdy doodies and maybe a Visual Verse.  And I have to be there for the Christmas dinner on the grounds.  But Chris has my extra pillows already packed for me to keep my leg elevated.  I might need to throw in another one for my head as well.  Here we go …

Psalms 119:73 says, “Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.”

Father, thank you for creating this marvelous invention called the church.  Please be there with us today.  Amen.

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