Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19 – “Creepy Santa”

Yesterday was physical therapy day again.  And yes, I’m still stuck on that balancing apparatus.  I’ll probably be there until I figure out how to beat it.  She did add one thing towards the end of it all.  I got one of those big rubber band things.  Red.  She assured me it was red.  Looks pink to me, but I have learned never to trust my sense of color.  So … red.  I have to somehow loop it around the hinge of a door and use it as resistance as I move my leg back and forth.  Pretty easy one. 

On the way home we stopped by the central fire station to deliver some Christmas Friendship Bread to the chiefs and Trish and Nora.  There was absolutely no place to park, so Chris dropped me off and parked a block or so away.  While I waited outside, who should walk up but Trish.  She had been nursing an impending migraine, so she was just arriving at work.  She walked with us up to the office.  It was great seeing everybody up there again.

Later in the afternoon we made our way to WalMart to do a little more Christmas shopping.  Alas and alack.  No go carts available when we arrived.  That meant at least one trek all around the store aided only by my trusty tooty-toot, sippy cup holder adorned walker.  On our journey we saw Mr. Bob from church and chatted with him for a while.  But as feared, I arrived home very tired and very sore.  The old knee just doesn’t think much of shopping, I guess.

Last night Brennan came over, very excited.  He and his Mom had gone out to look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood, and who should be lurking around one of most decorated houses ever?  Santa Claus.  Brennan had his picture taken with the jolly old elf to commemorate his unscheduled stop in Gulf Village.  They also took a picture of another decorated house.  This one had a full-sized Santa statue stationed inside, but standing at the window looking out.  It was actually kind of creepy.  The report got us a little fired up as well, so we hopped into the car and took a quick drive.  Sure enough, old Saint Nick shouted a “Howdy” to us as we drove by.  We somehow missed seeing Creepy Santa, though.  I’ll have to keep my eye open for that one.  Gives new meaning to “He sees you when you’re sleeping; He knows when you’re awake.”

Psalms 119:90 says, “Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.”

Father, thank you for the excitement in Brennan’s voice and eyes as he told us about his visit with Santa.  And thanks for giving me one more chance to remind him that Santa loves Jesus.  Amen.

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