Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5 – “Understanding competition”

On the San Antonio front, we got to have a FaceTime chat with Caleb and Zakary the other day.  They were on their way to sign Caleb up to play soccer.  Wait.  He's three years old.  He's really old enough to play soccer?  Yet there he was, all decked out in a real soccer shirt and holding up a real soccer ball.  We figured he would do great at the running around and kicking a ball part, but we wondered if he could understand the whole competition thing.  That concern was put to rest during the conversation.  Out of the blue, as he kicked his ball around and showed off his soccer t-shirt, Caleb declared, "Zak gonna lose.  I gonna win."  There it is. 
They do grow up.  Speaking of growing up.  One of the Cailyn-isms we heard the other day was priceless as well.  She was engaged in a deep conversation with Chris about cooking, I think.  She loves to crawl up onto the counter and help out.  By herself, mind you.  None of this lifting her up any more.  "I do it myself," is her mantra.  She drags her cow chair over to the cabinets and climbs it like stairs.  And once up there she helps with pouring and mixing and cracking eggs and tasting.  If she learns to be as good a cook as Chris, some guy is going to be in heaven one of these days.  That is, if her Daddy ever lets her have a first date.  Anyway, back to the deep discussion.  The part that stuck with, since I have no idea when it comes to cooking, was the brief bit of philosophy I heard.  "Nani," Cailyn said, letting out one of those big sighs, "when I grow up, I gonna be bigger."  Profound. 
One of our good Seasiders from church brought us a frozen homemade chicken pot pie.  We couldn't hog something like that, so we took over some supper to Nathan and April on Friday.  It was just what they needed, I guess.  April ate a little bit.  Her appetite is slowly returning.  Cailyn kind of waved at it one time as she ran around the house in circles.  She was busy.  Nathan had four huge helpings, though.  The boy hasn't eaten very well for the last ten days.  Having your wife at death's door just doesn't do wonders for the appetite. 
Isaiah 59:1 says, "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear."
Father, thank you for that listening ear and that strong arm.  We have sure needed both lately.  Amen.

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