What a morning. It has been raining pretty hard off and on all night, and it's obvious that we're not done yet. I heard we are under a flash flood watch. I can see why. Of course it also made for some great sleeping weather when it wasn't thundering. In fact I didn't get out of bed until after 7. That's really sleeping in for me. We are assuming Jachin's football game is rained out. Wonder how this will affect all the Mardi Gras activities. Not that we would have gone anyway. Our contribution to the Mardi Gras season usually consists of going to the children's parade on Sunday afternoon. We'll see. And Nathan picked up some overtime hours to work on the Strand today. That won't be any fun. Hope he has an umbrella. Or maybe he can wear his bunker gear. That's waterproof, isn't it?
I began the daunting task of transferring all our photographs into digital format. That means scanning them one at a time. Well, actually our scanner can fit six at a time. That helped a little bit, but I still had to drag the outline over one picture and then select that I wanted to add another one … five more times. Not difficult, but it took a long time. Then for some strange reason the scanner finally figured out what I was doing. It started selecting all six of them so all I had to do was choose the finish command. Much more efficient. Still … after hours of scanning, all I have done is a little over half of one book. Chris takes a lot of pictures.
We had one "cute moment" yesterday when we kept Josiah for an hour or so while his Mom took his brothers to the library. He's not yet two years old. He was roaming the house, taking in the sights. When he saw something that interested him, he would point at it and apparently say what he thought it was. You know, "Dog. DadDad's books." That kind of thing. Much of the time we could figure out what he was saying by considering the context. At one point his eyes lit up. Well, his whole face lit up in that way only little kids can do effectively. He saw something he knew for sure. And he announced it over and over, "Cheese. Cheese." Now we weren't in the kitchen, so we figured he wasn't hungry. So we carefully followed the direction of his latest point and saw it right away. It was one of the pictures of all the grandkids Chris got for Christmas. He was in it, and obviously remembered the command of the photographer just before the flash went off, "Say cheese." Cute, right?
Isaiah 64:8 says, "Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."
Father, please keep on molding. I've got a long way to go to be a truly useful pot. Amen.
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