Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17 – “Steps forward”

There has been a change concerning the benefit for Nathan and April on the 25th.  The event is still on, and it will still be amazing, but the organizers and cooks have decided that it would be counter-productive to try to offer two so vastly different-to-prepare food choices.  So, to keep everything simpler, now the dinner will simply be barbequed chicken.  Hey, simpler is always good.
April is doing well.  She's getting more and more strength back every day, and she even went back to class yesterday.  That was a big obstacle to overcome, and she still has to work out a special schedule to make up what she missed and pick up her clinical hours when she is released to do them.  But it was definitely a move forward.  She even felt well enough to celebrate with a shopping trip to the mall.  I understand that was probably an important piece of her recovery puzzle in some female, I-will-never-understand-in-a-million-years kind of way.  But I'm glad she could do it.
Last night I was called up to Clear Lake to make a hospital visit.  Our youth pastor's Dad has had two heart attacks in the last week, so he is being followed carefully.  He asked Mike of I could come up and pray with him.  Don is a great guy.  He obviously loves his family, and he had nothing but pride in his voice as he talked about them.  And underlying everything he communicated a sense of peace about his life and death that said he was ready for whatever God had prepared for him next.  Of course he would just as soon stick around a while longer, and his family obviously concurred.  I know there is still fear and uncertainty, and well there should be.  But Don is ready for whatever comes next.  He said he was going take things one day at a time.  Great attitude.  Reminded me of Matthew 6:33-34:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Father, thank you for "forward."  Great concept.  Amen.        

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