Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28 – “Ain’t hardware renovation grand?”

The new mouse has been a rousing success.  Apparently the old one just wasn't completely compatible with Windows 7.  The new one works like a charm.  And the thing that plugs into the USB port is a fraction of the size of the old one.  It barely sticks out at all.  Ain't hardware renovation grand?
Nathan and I had a pretty rousing day at the beach as well.  I had a time finding bait, but finally got us each a bucketful of live shrimp.  We got into the water around 7:30.  And we were not alone.  Quite a few others were dotting the shoreline hoping for a taste of all the specs that have been showing up lately.  We managed to land a few nice sized ones.  Nathan would have had a few more, but his line kept breaking.  He finally waded back in and respooled his line with a higher test.  And he put a wire leader on.  He never had a broken line again, but he did break a few hooks.  April and Cailyn joined us for lunch, and Chris baked a few of the spec fillets.  She also made some shrimp gumbo.  Can't get any fresher than that. 
It really seems strange to be following a hurricane that is not bearing down on Galveston.  We have several friends on the East coast, so we've been watching their Facebook posts to see how they fare with this one.  You can really tell the ones who have lived down here in Hurricane Alley before, though.  Some of them are making fun of the "local Yankees'" response.  Others are encouraging healthy respect.  Those "Local Yankees" are either extremely frightened and trying to get out of town as fast as they can, or they are treating it frivolously and planning hurricane parties.  Doesn't sound all that different from what happens here. 
Proverbs 24:5-6 says, "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength; for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers."
Father, watch over those folks on the East Coast.  Amen.

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