Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23 – “Can I still do this?”


After an especially bad night last night pain-wise, it was really hard to get going this morning.  I was determined to get to the pastor's prayer meeting, though.  I haven't been able to go the last few times, and I think it's probably the most likely thing that God will use to get Galveston out from under a powerful demonic spirit of hopelessness.  There were three of us there.  We met at Mod's Coffee Shop downtown, the first time I had been there.   Really nice place.  I was fascinated by one of the neighboring shops called The Witchery.  Kel said they have cast spells on the block to bring more customers to their store.  What a great place to pray for Galveston.


Speaking of Kel, he told me Christina had been up since 3 a.m. with contractions.  He didn't know whether to be excited or not.  Apparently she did this for three weekends before Micah was born.  We're hoping she's on a roll.  Today or tomorrow would be a great time for this baby to make an appearance.  I have a rehearsal today at 6 for a 3 p.m. wedding tomorrow in Texas City.  Chris has to be in Bay City from Sunday afternoon through Wednesday, so she's rooting for sooner rather than later.  Her Mom has an appointment Monday morning with the cancer doc.  Her Dad has an appointment that afternoon for some tests on a carotid artery that is around fifty percent blocked.  Then Tuesday he has cataract surgery.  Wednesday he has to go back in for a recheck on the eye.  Thursday Jachin is scheduled to have his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears.  My appointment with the rheumatologist is Friday.  That's a full week.


When I got home I was beat.  The tree trimmer guy was going to come by to give us the bill for trimming the huge pecan tree, though, so I had to stay "up" for him.  I went in the front yard and started pulling up weeds.  It was quite painful on the knees.  And the rest of the body.  As I sat there in the front yard I had a thought.  Why was I out here doing this when I knew it was going to hurt just to squat down?  What made me do something in spite of the fact that I knew good and well the impending consequences.  I tried to convince myself that it was all about getting the lawn to look nice for Chris.  Or maybe so the neighborhood would look a little further along in its comeback after Ike.  It was a grand gesture, surely.  About then is when I realized that if I was honest, the only reason I was digging in the dirt today was to prove to myself that I still could.  Interesting motivation, I guess.  But from what I understand, I have a lot more of that particular motivational technique to look forward to in my future.  But I do go back to the rheumatologist next week.  Maybe the next medication will help.


Hebrews 1:8-9 says, "But about the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.  9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.'"


Father, I'd sure like some of that oil of joy anointing.  Amen.

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