Thursday, November 28, 2024

November 28 - “Dirtiest, messiest, nastiest of them all”

Chris was off early. She had a doctor appointment with her PCP. Just checking everything out. She had to get that out of the way before we tackled all the last-minute stuff before the guests start arriving tomorrow. 

OK. I’ll get this out of the way now. Yes, I am pretty sore from my fall. Arm, leg, back, and neck. I was even awakened last night by two bouts with hamstring cramps. Nothing quite like feeling, especially at 3 in the morning. But honestly, I’ve had worse days. I’ll just take it as a win (for God, not me!), and move on. 

So … what was on Chris’ list? Pick up a prescription at Randall’s. Check. Then on to Walmart. Buttons, sweet potatoes, green beans, distilled water, and a loaf of bread. Check. Actually, only the buttons and beans were on her list. Can’t get outa there without a little extra, though. 

Back home Chris got to work on making cornbread for the dressing and finishing up a sewing project. I got a text from Academy that the shoes she ordered were in, so I headed over there to pick them up. Our final pre-Thanksgiving task (not counting cooking or watching college basketball games or delivering turkey to the fire stations) was the dirtiest, messiest, nastiest of them all. We had to empty those fry pots and clean them up. It was a good hour or so of hard, back breaking work. Just what I needed after that fall (NOT). 

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭says, Above all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins.

Father, be with us today as we celebrate you in thanksgiving. Amen. 

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