Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6 – “All or nothing?”

All or nothing?  I haven’t completely given up.  It still may happen.  Right now it’s not looking very promising, but my inherent optimism is struggling mightily to burst through to the surface.  OK, OK.  So what could I possibly be talking about so early on a Saturday morning?  Fishing.  I want to go fishing.  The water is flat.  The wind has died down.  Yesterday the pelicans were working the beach front in massive numbers, so there is apparently a lot of bait running.  What could possibly keep me out of the water?  Weeellll … it is 67 degrees outside.  Let me rephrase that.  It is cold outside.  Hence my dilemma.  Fishing should be enjoyed in a pair of old shorts and a raggedy t-shirt, wading out about waist deep and casting into the warm Gulf waters.  You should have to put on a layer of sunscreen to keep your face and arms from sun burn.  You should be able to get all the live shrimp you need without having to drive to six different bait shops.  And you should be able to do it without shivering.  So, will I go fishing today?  I don’t know.  Let me check the forecast one more time …

Hebrews 6:12 says, “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

Father, I could use a little bit of a warmup in the next few minutes.  Thanks.  Amen.

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