Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16 – “Down. Set. Omaha”

So you have to watch what you kids watch on TV, right?  I saw some great evidence of that the other day when Christina brought her kids over after a trip to the library.  First they all had to have something to eat, of course.  That’s kind of the thing when you go to Nana and DadDad’s house.  Walk in the front door and say, “Mom, can I have …” fill in the blank with whatever array of goodies they can imagine that Nana might have in her cupboard (And usually does).  Pop tarts, fruit snacks, crackers, raisins, and if they are really lucky, root beer floats or even candy.  Christina told us that the other day they decided they were going to have some pizza for supper, and Noa immediately wanted to know when they were leaving for Nana and DadDad’s house.

So after their bellies were satisfied, the boys decided to head outside for a quick game of street football.  Just three of them, mind you.  Jachin, who is eleven versus Micah, who is eight.  And Josiah, who is four, would play defense for both teams.  A grand solution for street football.  I bundled up and went out to watch the action.  Yes, it was still way too cold for Galveston.  Low forties.  Real football weather, I guess. 

I was immediately fascinated when Micah had the ball.  It sat on the street waiting for the imaginary center to grab it and snap it to Micah, the waiting QB.  He walked up like he was about to pick it up, then backed away suddenly, looking over each shoulder and gesturing with his hands, obviously resetting the offense in preparation for an audible.  With his team finally set he bent down and picked up the ball, holding it as if suspended in mid-snap.  He made several calls of “Hut” in different cadences, then took off running.  He didn’t get very far in his first attempt.  Must have seen me watching, his antics, though, because at the next snap he looked over and saw me grinning.  I hastened to tell him he reminded me of Peyton Manning and his famous call of “Omaha” when he makes his snap count.  That’s all it took.  Omaha easily joined the routine, as did Galveston and Houston.  Still didn’t help him gain many yards, though, on his actual run.  Until third down. 

Jachin lined up on one side of the ball/street.  Josiah covered the other side.  Micah went through his quarterback routine.  Approach the ball, back away, look around at your offensive set.  Wave a wide receiver to a different spot (still amazes me how those wide receivers can never seem to find their correct position).  Finally the snap count begins.  “Down.  Set.  Hut.  Hut.  Galveston.  Omaha.  Omaha.”  And then Micah added a call of his own, one that can only be appreciated by true aficionados of street football.  After a brief pause he looked up and yelled, “Car.” 

Now everybody who has ever played the fine game of street football knows that call.  It’s the signal to vacate the playing surface and head for the safety of the nearest sidewalk or front yard.  Immediately Josiah and Jachin turned their heads to see how much time they had to avoid the impending interloper of game play.  And just as their heads turned, Micah took off running, unobstructed to the goal line for a touchdown.  Now that’s some creative Omaha-ing.  I’m sure even the Manning brothers would shake their heads in awe.

Acts 2:21 says, “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Father, thank you for making the important call one that is clear to everyone.   Amen.

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