Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 6 – “Cheeseballs, Cookies, and Clotheslining”

We didn't work on the house at all today.  In fact all we did was drive by to pick up the mail.  We had to be at one of those "guys can come, too" baby showers for Nathan and April.  I think they tried that with one of their wedding showers, too.  I don't think very many guys came.  We just have a thing that kicks in in our head when we hear the word "shower" that conjures up images of women sitting around talking about all sorts of girlie, woman kinds of things.  The kind of stuff that we don't understand anyway because they speak a different language.  Unless we're talking about a real shower – the kind you take after work because you smell bad.  Or before a date to keep from smelling so bad.  That kind of shower we can understand.


The good thing was that the big event was at Kel and Christina's house – built in grandkids to play with if the party gets out of hand.  We arrived way early so we could help set up.  That meant I only got to run the new train Jachin got one time before I was sent to WalMart to pick up the cake and – of all things to ask me to get – pink plates.  It's a good think they had the color name printed on the back.  I was reaching for the red ones.  It's also a good thing they sent me.  I noticed right away that there wouldn't be enough sweets with just that little bitty cake.  I got some chocolate chips – and some frosted sugar cookies.  Call me hero.


The shower itself really wasn't all that bad.  Several guys did come, so I was not alone.  Lots of food.  My favorite non-Chris-made food was this stuff Christina made from hashbrowns and cheese and I don't know what else and don't want to know.  The sausage balls and cheese balls Chris made were all-time favorites as well.  There were games.  Sniffing diapers laced with melted chocolate.  Hanging clothes on a clothesline while holding a doll and talking on a cell phone.  Who even knows what a clothesline is nowadays?  I did beat Kel in our heat, though.  That's always fun. 


One thing, though.  The whole time we were "gaming" in one room, there were people all over the house talking and eating and paying absolutely no attention to the masterful work of clotheslining taking place just yards away.  But then the announcement came.  "Time to open gifts."  You would have thought Santa Claus just walked in the door.  Everybody came running to ohh and ahh over little pink things – to see all the different gifts that had been so carefully wrapped, torn open and bared for the world to see. 


What do you reckon was the appeal of opening gifts?  The person they were for couldn't see them right now, anyway.  Yes, she was there.  But remember she's still "cooking"!  We all like to open gifts, but I really like to watch people open them as well.  It reminds me of Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  There's not much better than watching someone open the free gift of God for the first time and begin a personal relationship with Jesus.  It's also pretty exciting to think that as we get that gift, there is another waiting for us – a gift of the Holy Spirit to enable us to do some work of ministry to build up the body of Christ.  (Romans 12:6 – "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith."  I like to watch that gift being opened up as well.  That's one of the things that makes being a pastor gratifying.


Father, let us be a part of someone opening their Grace gift for the first time.  And spur us to open up our gift of the Spirit and get to work.  Amen.

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