Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31 - “Wiling away”

We wiled away our morning hours, rescuing an errant newspaper and paying medical fees for Chris’ upcoming mammogram. Oh, and located a few more puzzle pieces. Never a dull moment around here. 

Yep. I went outside around six to get the paper, as was my custom. It was still dark, but even with the use of my phone flashlight, I couldn’t find it. Not that unusual. I continued with my morning routine until it was daylight. Then I tried again. 

I made the usual rounds, checking in the yard, in the bed of the pickup, and even under the car. Nothing. I assumed a phone call to the Daily News office was in my future, when I happened to glance upward. 

There, stuck fast in the wintered, naked branches of our crepe myrtle tree, was the Thursday morning edition. I snapped a quick picture of it, but decided to wait for Chris to see it before attempting a rescue. 

So … the rescue. I debated briefly whether I could reach it without tool assistance. Of course my male bravado won out, and rightly so. I managed to grab it with but a long stretch and the tiniest of leaps. And the errant publication was free from its precarious perch. How’s that for a way to wile away the morning? 

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Father, thank you for that guy who delivers our paper. Bless him. Amen. 

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