Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16 - “Gettin’ loaded”

After staying up until after midnight hearing all about Caleb’s game and giving them highlights of Luke’s game, we slept in until seven. That’s burning some daylight for me. It didn’t take us long to enjoy some of Christi’s famous pancakes (I like the regular style, but I’m pretty sure Luke and AnnaGrace were munching on the chocolate chip version), and we were loaded (meaning, we had the car packed, not that we had succumbed to an alcoholic stupor, Christi) and on the road by ten. 

We stopped briefly at good ol’ Bucees, the Walmart of the Road, for some lunch and a bathroom break. Chopped beef, hot apple pie (for me), and hot peach cobbler (for Chris). Then back on the road again. Had to hurry up so we could enjoy some of the wet sunshine we were hearing about down in Galveston. 

And wet it was. Not sure about the “enjoying” part, though. There was a brief lull just as we arrived home - long enough for us to unload the car (gettin’ unloaded) and throw in the three propane tanks that belong to Nathan. There was a reason for that maneuver. He needs them to power his propane heater for the party Cailyn is having for some friends this weekend. 

Last night we were invited to Cailyn’s sixteenth birthday dinner celebration. She just wanted a family dinner of white chicken chili. And we were included in the “family” designation. Good food. Good brownies for dessert. Thanks for gettin’ born, Cailyn. 

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭43‬-‭44‬ says, You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. 

Father, thank you for the safe trip, especially the part that involved all that rain. Bless Cailyn as she embarks on her next 16 years. Amen. 

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