Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 27 – “The perfect date?”

I walked for three miles yesterday with no grackle/hawk incidents.  But there was an unexpected encounter.  Seems there was this huge ball of bright light in the sky.  Warm.  I understand it appears every so often.  A phenomenon called the sun.  Fascinating.  I certainly haven’t experienced it in such a manner in some time.  It was… nice.


Chris went to cardiac rehab again.  She is more than halfway done now, so they are really ramping up the cardio-intensity.  She was scheduled for her second Covid shot right after the appointment.  Pretty convenient, since they are in the same building and all.  But she realized something as she finished up the last few minutes of bicycling.  She left the card at home.  That meant she had to come all the way home to get her card, then drive all the way back, all for the coveted Zombie Shot. 


We did determine a plan to cut down her efforts somewhat.  I met her at Target with the card.  I was planning to go back over to Office Depot anyway to pick up the flash drive I left behind.  As it turned out, the girl who originally waited on me for the miracle encounter the day before was at the door welcoming customers.  She recognized me (or perhaps my mask) right away.  I told her I was impressed with the one day turnaround.  I expect great things in the future.  She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond, but she hollered over to the counter where she had been working the day before and told the guy to hand me the flash drive that was still in the computer.  Easy enough.


After a quick lunch and a WalMart trip for a few groceries, we made our way into Texas.  This time it was just into Texas City for a funeral viewing visit.  Christina’s uncle died a few days ago of pneumonia.  His kids have gone to church at Seaside, and to camp with us a time or two.  Todd was a really nice guy.  Great drummer, too.  And his moustache was always epic.  I know his family will miss him a lot.  Besides the kids we knew, we also saw some good friends, Jim and Laura.  We spent a good amount of time catching up with them. 


After the visitation we decided to make an actual date of the whole afternoon.  We were right around the corner from Chris’ favorite Mexican restaurant, Gringo’s.  So we stopped in.  They have taken the 100% order to heart, and their constituents have fallen right in with them.  The place was really full.  Masks were optional.  Some covered up, others didn’t.  But then, I saw a lot of uncovered faces at WalMart, too.  The food was great as usual, and we now have another meal or two with our leftovers.  Josh called as we were leaving, so we chatted with him all the way home.  How’s that for a great date?  Funeral, Mexican food, and a phone call with a son.  Doesn’t get any better than that …


John 1:29 says, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”


Father, please walk with Demetrius and Miranda and Amanda through the valley they face without their Dad.  Help them sense your presence.  Amen.


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