Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 17 – “Don’t Mess with the Liver”

I started off my day working at the computer.  Wish I could have stayed there.  The next destination was … new tires and an alignment for our car.  Ouch.  Bad news is they are really proud of new tires and all it takes to get them road ready.  Good news is they took the car right in and had it ready in less than two hours. 


Next I went to the clinic where they are doing Covid vaccine shots.  The chatter among those waiting the required ten or fifteen minutes after their shots was quite entertaining.  My two favorites came from two different guys talking on their telephones … loudly. 

One was reassuring whoever was on the other end of the line: “No.  We got the good stuff.  From Pfizer.”  Guess that guy should be in one of their TV commercials.

The other was talking to his wife, explaining why it was taking so long: “No, honey.  I already got the shot.  Now I have to sit here like a rotisserie chicken to see if I fall out.”  Loads of fun …


While I was out, I went to Randall’s to pick up some prescriptions.  The one for me was nose spray for my allergies.  The one for Chris, however, was a new one they wanted to try that isn’t supposed to mess with her liver.  I guess the “Don’t Mess with the Liver” tag is what makes it so expensive.  It sure better work. 


Got a text from Chris on my way home.  A neighbor needed me to help jump his truck.  Dead battery.  This is the same neighbor who helped me jump our truck a while back.  Sure enough, as I rounded the corner into the subdivision, there he was in the street, waving me down.  His truck started right up, fortunately.  He was headed right out to get a replacement.  He asked how long batteries are supposed to last.  As it so happened, I had just asked that question when I bought my last battery.  Apparently they last either one or three years.  No more five-year guarantees. 


After a trip to WalMart for bananas and some props for the sermon on Sunday, I sat down to create again.  This time I had to figure out how to create an event on FaceBook.  I have done it before, but not in a year or so.  Oh, what event?  Easter Sunrise Service on the beach at 6:30 a.m. on Jamaica Beach just down from the church.  (Baptisms are happening.  Let me know if you want to be baptized).  Breakfast afterwards (Bring some food to share.  There will probably be a lot of people to feed).  Then an Easter egg hunt for the kids.  Then regular Easter Sunday worship at ten.  Spread the word …


Mark 16:15 says, “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’”


Father, thank you for safe cars and good neighbors and medications and bananas and … Easter.  Amen.

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