Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7 – “Movie star”

We reached a milestone in our exercise program yesterday.  We actually walked an entire mile.  All at once.  Without stopping.  Freddy held us back a little bit.  She was really huffing when we got home.  Chris was kind of huffing, too, but she assured me she was fine.  No chest pains. 


Guess what?  I’m a movie star now.  Sort of.  Proverbs I produced a three-minute video yesterday.  Actually, I think it was a little longer than three minutes.  And I wasn’t really the producer.  I was just a contributor. Lauren Humphries was producing a video training piece for their ministry to families in crisis up in Alaska.  Her plan is to interview several people, asking them what they think “hospitality” is.  Then my part was to share a snippet about what biblical hospitality is and how that is different from the care received in hospitals.  Not an easy thing to boil down into three minutes, I might add.  She saw my finished product and seemed to like it.  But then Lauren has always been the gracious type …


By the way, we are back to puzzle-working again.  We have the Mickey Mouse one back on the table.  It’s not an easy one. 


Chris finally connected with her cardiology nurse.  She has been trying to schedule an appointment with the cardiologist, but apparently everybody else is on vacation, so he’s having to cover all the heart caths at the hospital.  That puts clinic appointments on the back burner for everyone.  They did tell her that the cardiac rehab office should be calling her to set up appointments.  But they are backed up, too, so it will probably be a few weeks at best before that happens.  Meanwhile, she is supposed to walk as much as she can.


Proverbs 11:24 says, “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.”


Father, thank you for the work that cardiologist guy is putting in.  Keep him healthy and rested and generally blessed by you.  Amen.

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