Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 19 – “A Loppin’ Good Time”

A big storm is supposed to be a-comin’ up here in Central Texas.  Time to be a-battin’ down the hatches.  I always wanted to say that when it didn’t refer to a hurricane in the Gulf.  There is a storm approaching Waco, but it’s just supposed to be a rainmaker, with maybe some thunderstorms and wind as well.  And that is a problem why?  Well, a week or so ago, another storm blew through here and dumped actual snow everywhere.  And it was heavy snow.  The kind that breaks tree limbs and in sone cases knocks down entire forty-foot tall cedar trees.  And that’s just in Josh’s yard.  So the task for yesterday was to pull down the broken branches and get them set out for the trash pickup, all before this next horrific storm arrived.  Can’t have already broken limbs being ripped from the tiny shreds of bark still holding them in place and dropped unceremoniously on unsuspecting roofs or cars or power lines below.


The three boys did a great job pitching in.  Zak and Caleb attacked the actual hanging limbs, wielding weapons of lopping destruction.  Luke joined in to get the limbs to the street or into the woodpile in the back yard for future burns.  They all took a turn at sweeping and scooping, since the driveway had to be placed back into pristine condition for its primary function.  No, not as a repository for vehicles.  That’s secondary.  First and foremost, it serves as a basketball court.


As we did our clearing task, Josh and I noticed several places that were a bit beyond the reach and expertise of even the heartiest teenager with a machete.  One branch was sweeping across the roof, never a good idea for shingles.  But the scariest was the big branch that appeared to be held up only by the main power line to the house.  Nope.  Not touching that baby.  He called in the big guns, and amazingly, a crew was available to come within an hour or so. 


I got the back-breakingly exhausting job of watching the workers while Josh took Caleb to a birthday party.  Hey … somebody’s gotta supervise, right?  These guys were pretty good at what they do, too.  No ladders other than the small one they used to get on the roof.  No climbing the tree to get at high branches.  Just those long poles with the curved saws on the end.  Oh, and one pole did have a chain saw on the end.  They had one of those chipper machines being pulled behind their truck, too.  Gotta have some place for all that excess wood to go.  As it turned out, my eagle-eyes did notice a few things.  One was not fixable at the time.  It was an issue for the local power company to clear away.  The other, however, warranted a call to the big boss.  Once they removed the branch that was hanging onto the roof, it revealed a second branch from a different tree altogether that was just as big.  It wasn’t broken, but it was solidly scraping the roof over a very large area.  The phone call approved the added expense, and before long that offender was chipped and gone.  I think this property passes inspection for the next weather-related incursion.


Caleb and I went to Whataburger to collect lunch for everyone.  Chris was ready and willing to cook something, but, hey … Whataburger.  As it turned out, this was the first solid food Christi has eaten since her little hospital-spa weekend.  What better way to make her return to food solidarity memorable than with a Whataburger junior?


I went to Caleb’s basketball practice last night.  I admit that I miss coaching a little bit every time I go to one of their practices.  Full-court presses and fast breaks and press-breakers and offenses versus different types of defenses.  Made me want to jump in and help, if nothing else than just to be an extra body on a defense against their offense.  Not that I actually did that, mind you.  Well, I may or may not have stepped in, but just for a play or two.  Or maybe for just that segment of practice.  Josh is doing a great job, though.  It was fun to watch him be the coach.  He has a great rapport with the kids.  And of course, he knows his stuff.  I think they will do well this year.


Psalms 9:1-2 says, “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praises of your name, O Most High.”


Father, thank you for the availability of those tree people on such short notice.  Josh has had a few other things on his mind lately.  And speaking of those other things, thank you that Christi is doing so well.  Amen.

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