Monday, July 6, 2020

July 6 – “That Outside Church”

The idea of worship outside under the retreat center building seems to have become a thing at Seaside.  I have even begun to hear people outside of the church refer to us by yet another new epithet: “That Outside Church.”  I have to admit, it has been unexpectedly nice under there.  We knew there would always be a breeze from the Gulf.  But we also know that it can get deceptively hot around here in the summer.  I suppose the blessing has just been upon us in that arena so far. 

As far as our people are concerned, Seasiders are some of the most resilient on the planet.  They have been more than willing to grab a beach chair, pull on some shorts and a T-shirt, and head over to worship together.  The fact that we are outside has even made the whole experience safer for those in the endangered categories as far as the Corona virus is concerned.  And don’t forget the ones who have been joining us at home through Seaside Online, the Facebook Live branch of operations.  They have been especially patient and kind as we have worked every week to overcome the inevitable glitches that come with technology, and in my case, operator error.  Our amazing praise team under the direction of worship pastor Jim has worked hard to figure out the best positioning for leading worship, and they are still hard at it, tweaking the sound every week for the absolute best worship experience ever.

It would seem that our efforts at making lemonade out of what could be sour lemons has been a rousing success.  And of course at the root of it all is the work of the Holy Spirit.  Without Him we would certainly be floundering (And I don’t mean catching a certain aquatic denizen with a uniquely oval shape with eyes on top of its head).  I’m proud of you, Seaside. 

Romans 12:9-10 says, “Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.  Be devoted to one another in love.  Honor one another above yourselves.”

Father, thank you for this whole Outside Church experience you have blessed us with.  It has been delightful.  Amen.

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