Tuesday, July 14, 2020

July 14 – “Baby Steps …”

We are preparing to go back on the road again.  Relax.  It’s not like we’re heading to Hawaii or anything, although that has been mentioned in passing as a possible destination.  Just not today.  And we will bring along our faithful masks for any stops at Buc-ees.  But this time the plan is to make our way to Waco for a grandkid (and middle son and his beautiful wife) fix.  Baby steps, so to speak.  I’m taking my laptop along, and Josh has already offered me office space if I need it to keep working on the sermon for Sunday.  I may have to take him up on that.  But working in an actual office?  Not sure how much I’d get done.  Without something to distract me off and on, I’d probably just end up asleep.  And that doesn’t sound so bad, either.

Chris had her first follow-up visit with the pain doctor yesterday.  She feels like the pain issues in her back and leg are decidedly better, but just as decidedly still present.  He directed her to continue taking the medication she has been prescribed, keep doing the physical therapy exercises to strengthen her legs, and try to get some sleep at night.  She goes back in a month for her next recheck, unless the pain gets worse. 

That visit meant a quick trip over to Randall’s to pick up her medication refills.  Yes, had our masks with us.  Galveston is still doing the whole, enter a business, wear a mask thing.  The city has been fairly quiet since officials closed the beaches for the Fourth of July weekend.  It’s really mild down here if anyone is interested.  Well, it’s still hot.  But not as many people as usual.  Come see us.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Father, please ride with us on this road trip.  It’s been a while …  Amen.

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