Thursday, July 2, 2020

July 2 – “The death code”

I went to Office Depot the other day to replace our printer.  The old one stopped dead in its tracks and showed one of those suspect error codes.  I researched it for about an hour until I found the exact code response website I was looking for online.  I scrolled through the response network and discovered one person who had experienced the exact same code.  He tried everything offered online before finally giving up and calling Hewlitt Packard.  When the elusive customer service representative finally came on the line, he asked them what that particular code meant.  Their answer?  “Yeah, that one means you need to buy a new printer.”  Sigh … The death code. 

So … Office Depot.  I did look at WalMart first, since I figured printers would be cheaper there.  I guess they now have a contract with Canon, though.  The only HP’s were on display, and they wouldn’t sell display models.  I asked.  But I found the one I wanted at Office Depot.  Well, it was actually the only one they had in stock that would do what we need it to do.  Print, scan, fax.  This one did all that plus some kind of photo extra.  It was more expensive than the last time we had to buy one, but then it’s been more than a year, so I guess that’s to be expected. 

I decided to get some extra packs of toner to have on hand.  Yeah, nope.  They had none of the size I needed.  That size was back ordered with the company.  The sales guys were joking that it must come from China.  One of them did tell me that he had heard some customers talking, and they said that Target seemed to have the best stock of toner on the Island.  I was off.  Well, after I paid for the printer.

Sure enough, I found the toner I needed.  Well, sort of.  I wanted the 64 XL size.  The regular cartridges just don’t last very long.  They did have a plain 64 in the color cartridge, so I grabbed it.  Maybe WalMart will have the bigger one.  I finally located a 64XL Black as well.  They had two left.  I almost bought both of them, but they cost a lot.          

Setup wasn’t too difficult.  The instructions were just a series of pictures.  No words.  I muddled through.  It took me a while to figure out the scan and fax modes, but I think they are all set now.  First big test will come when I do the copies of words and visual verse for Sunday’s service.  And here we go …

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Father, I’m back to thanking you for little things again.  Printers and ink cartridges and successes on the technological level.  Amen.

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