Monday, December 30, 2019

December 30 – “The Big Bunk Bash and Violet’s Last Supper”

Well, we had a somewhat low day at church attendance-wise.  Dipped into the fifties.  Of course I remember when the fifties was a significant increase.  Gotta love ministry in a mission area.  The people weren’t any less enthusiastic, however.  They had no trouble responding to the teaching questions, so there was a lot of discussion.  My favorite kind of Sunday sermon …

We had to move a bunch of bunks after church.  Up in the retreat center the bunks – and lots of other paraphernalia had all been shoved into two rooms to make room for Bethlehem Street Market vendors.  We have a group coming this next weekend, so it was imperative we get the bunks back to where they belonged.  I asked for anyone who could stick around to help to please do so.  In true Seaside fashion we had a flock of them immediately head upstairs after the final “Love you, Family.”  The really cool thing about this week, though, was the fact that among the Seaside regulars were two or three folks who were just visiting for the first time.  Hey, what better way to get to know people than to pitch in and work together.  Thanks so much, you guys.  We appreciate your help.

After the Big Bunk Bash, a pretty large contingent of Seasiders met over at the Way West Grill in Jamaica Beach.  Groups do get together quite often, but this was had a special purpose.  When I was invited, it was touted as “Violet’s Last Supper.”  Cute, huh?  Seems yesterday was one of our sweet ladies’ last day with us.  She moves to Tomball this morning to be closer to her children.  I didn’t count how many of us showed up, but there must have been four or five tables scrunched together.  Enjoy your new home, Vi.  We’ll miss your smiling face.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!”

Father, thank you for sending those folks to visit with us at Seaside and then jump in and help.  Bless their efforts.  And be with Violet as she starts her new adventure in Tomball.  Amen.

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