Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 22 – “The farmer ate the cow …”

We had a guest for a lot of the day yesterday.  Three-year-old (That’s today.  Happy birthday, Little Man) Ezra came to stay with us while his brothers and sister did their karate demonstrations and final testing to gain a new color on their belts. 

We traveled to several spots on the Island, and Ezra did great.  No whining.  No crying.  No complaining.  I think he only suggested two alternate venues throughout the whole adventure.  One was to return to the house so we could “eat something and then come back and go shopping some more.”  The second suggestion came after seeing a certain billboard.  “Chic-fil-A.  Let’s go eat a cow at Chic-Fil-A.”  That comment led him into a somewhat altered rendition of Farmer in the Dell.  In this fabulous Christmas edition, the lyrics went thusly … “The farmer ate the cow.  The farmer ate the cow …”  That sounded good to me, so we added the rest of the farmer’s banquet menu.  “The farmer ate the chicken.  The farmer ate the eggs.  The farmer ate the pig.”  That guy had a great meal.  So are you sensing a pattern here?  We didn’t stay out long after that. 

One of our stops was at Pets Mart.  While we were checking out a guy brought hi cat in for those cut-rate shots they offer.  As he turned the corner near the check-out stands, the handle on his pet carrier broke off.  The crate went crashing to the floor with a shriek from the feline inside.  Almost immediately a voice was heard calling out from somewhere unknown, “Must have been a dog-lover did that.”  Yup.  Sabotage.  Me and the checker certainly had a good laugh, anyway.  He was a dog guy, too.

Oh, and while we were out I returned Chris’ wonderful white elephant gift from the fore department party.  Since we don’t have a need for adult diapers or hemorrhoidal suppositories we felt it only right to return them.  I think Chris was a little embarrassed.  I just owned the whole experience.  I asked them how they liked my gift I just received.  The young lady waiting on me was probably a little more embarrassed than Chris.  Especially after she read the suppositories box.  I don’t think she knew exactly what it was until then.  She hastened to make the return, though.  handed me a gift card for the balance, which we in turn used to pay for our fruit and milk.  Pretty good trade-off for us …

John 1:4-5 says, “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Father, thank you for our day with young Ezra.  Walk with him as he grows to love you.  Amen.

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