Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1 – “stuck in my mouth …”

We had “take Cailyn to school” duty this morning.  Both Mommy and Daddy had to leave for work before she had to leave for school.  That means we get to wake up early (Read here: Chris HAS to wake up REALLY early) and get over to their house by 6 a.m.  Not a problem here, by the way.  This morning I simply let my phone alarm go off.  And I discovered a wonderful new feature that comes with that alarm.  I was already up having a cup of coffee, so I carried the phone into the bedroom to alert Chris.  And that’s when I saw it.  Along with the mildly obnoxious alarm sound, there is also a flashing light.  Wanting to be most helpful, I stood at the door and held the phone so that the best effects of the light source could be felt by anyone who happened to be in its path.  The alarm did its part.  The lights were certainly a bonus.  Chris thought the fire department had showed up in our bedroom.  And then, for good measure, I added a bit of a good morning song to the mix.  I’m pretty sure Chris loved every minute of it.  Great fun.

Now I did learn something this morning.  As we were driving to school I sang a bright, cheery song from my childhood.  Went something like this: “Good morning to you, good morning to you.  We’re all in our places with bright, shining faces.  And this is the way we start a new day.”  Oh, come on.  I know some of you were forced to sing that song every morning, too, weren’t you?  Cailyn informed us that they don’t have such a wonderful song in the morning all they say is the Pledge to the American flag (which she proceeded to recite).  Nani then asked if they also say the pledge to the Texas flag.  That’s one I never did learn.  I even looked it up on line.  Sure enough, there is one.  Short and kind of convoluted, but it does exist.  While I was looking Cailyn moved on to the next portion of her school morning routine, a moment of silence “that lasts forever.”  Now we had already told her that during the moment of silence she should say a prayer asking Jesus to be with her the rest of the day.  But I was still immersed in my Texas Flag Pledge search, mumbling as I went.  Cailyn called out a challenge from the back seat, reminding me that she had called for a moment of silence.  I dutifully apologized, explaining, “Sometimes my mind gets stuck in my mouth.” 

Chris and Cailyn both laughed.  I pondered.  That’s a pretty deep pronouncement there, you know?  “Sometimes my mind gets stuck in my mouth.”  There are ramifications of such a malady.  Speaking whatever random thoughts slip through your brain’s filter system.  That could get you into a lot of trouble.  I can hear my Mom now, “Think before you speak.”  Great advice.  Always been hard for me to follow.  But that Moment of Silence does have its place.

Proverbs 18:13 says, “He who answers before listening – that is his folly and his shame.”

Father, thank you for spiritual insights amid trips to the school grounds.  Amen.

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