Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21 – “Purple butterfly birthday cake”

I got to spend some alone time with Cailyn yesterday.  It was a Daddy’s at work and Mommy’s in class day.  Chris had to take Mom to a doctor’s appointment – regular check-up kind of thing.  Nothing substantially different in what’s been going on.  She still doesn’t sleep much at night, and when she gets up she has no idea what she wants or where she is.  Chris usually just directs her to the bathroom and then back to bed.  She doesn’t talk much at all any more either, so it’s very hard to figure out her needs.  The doctor’s comment was something like, “we are entering the shallower waters now …”  Great.  A beach metaphor. 

So Cailyn and I had an hour or so to hang out before nap time.  She wanted to go in the back yard, so that’s where we headed.  Not like she is the Princess or anything.  I wanted to go outside, too.  Really.  Once there she led us on a rousing game of “Eat out at the restaurant,” an inspiring classic that we have enjoyed many times in the past.  I usually get to be the customer and she is the waitress.  Not this time.  She sat down in one of the outdoor chairs and wanted to know first of all where the table was.  I dutifully assumed my role and pretended to wipe off the invisible table in front of her.  “Oh,” she responded, “Thank you.  But I thought the table was down here.”  She moved her hand to a spot much closer to her level.  “Ah, my apologies, Madam,” I intoned, “Allow me to get that for you.”  I continued my cleaning regimen on a level much closer to her.  She smiled, so I knew I got it right that time.  Finally I asked what I could get for her.  She started out with a request for some tea, “And not sweet tea.  The kind with no sugar in it, please.”  That was a surprise.  Chris doesn’t even make unsweet tea around here except for our home Bible Study night, and then she sweetens it once everyone leaves.  Ever the dutiful waiter, however, I brought her a nice cold glass of make-believe unsweet tea.  “And what can I get for you to eat?” was the next query.  She thought for a long time until finally she had it.  “I’ll have a purple butterfly birthday cake with black and purple and blue polka dots.”  Thankfully, birthday cake orders are accomplished with amazing speed and efficiency at the V-BOR Café (Vaughan Backyard Outdoor Restaurant).  I handed the order to her.  She admired it as being appropriately handsome, then had a further request.  “Can I get this wrapped up, please?  Wrap it in paper with butterflies on it.”  I took it back from her and replied, “Absolutely.  Why didn’t I think of that?  How could one tiny little girl be expected to eat a huge offering such as this.  Let me take care of that for you right away.”  Wrapping applied, I returned it to her and she was ready to depart.  One more completely satisfied customer. 

Psalms 31:14 says, “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’”

Father, I trust in you.  I say, “You are my God.”  Amen.

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