Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2 – “Wash out”

I’m glad I said my prayer of thanks for the rain yesterday.  We got more of it.  It’s just that it came right in the middle of laying slate pieces in the dirt.  That was the first of the two backyard projects we were going to get done yesterday.  Needless to say, it didn’t quite happen.  What did happen, though, was that I got to play in the mud.  It’s been a long time.  Chris did come out with an umbrella to help.  I was desperately trying to clear a path through a pile of mud that had accumulated on the sidewalk while I tried to level out one particular section.  A path for what, you may ask?  Water.  That side of our house in the route for all the water runoff from the whole neighborhood.  The pile of dirt was proving to be the perfect dam, so we had a small lake forming.  So while I was excavating frantically, Chris held the umbrella over me.  Isn’t that romantic?  Of course at one point I shifted positions to reach an especially difficult spot.  And when I shifted all the water ran off the umbrella and down the seat of my pants.  Chilly.  All work stopped when the mud dam finally came down.  Not finished.  Just stopped.  And we didn’t even get to project number two.

As we stood at the window watching the rain I recalled a visit we had earlier had from Nathan.  He came over to borrow our electric pump to blow up Cailyn’s swimming pool.  There’s a reason why it started raining.  Almost as reliable as washing your car. 

Psalms 26:2 says, “Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.”

Father, it’s kind of scary to pray a prayer like that one.  Not so much because I know you will do it, as what you will find when you do.  Amen.

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