Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6 – “Christmas Shopping”


OK.  On Christmas shopping.  I had an appointment in Houston today to have some blood drawn related to my rheumatoid arthritis medication.  So Chris and I decided that since we were headed into Texas anyway, it would be a good use of our time to do some Christmas shopping.  No, understand something here.  Chris has to be in a particular mood to do shopping of any kind, groceries included.  For her to suggest doing Christmas shopping a full two weeks before the big day was unheard of.  She wasn't giddy or anything, but she methodically made some phone calls to the daughters-in-law to get ideas for the grandkids and the sons.  She asked where I wanted to go, and obviously had some specific ideas in mind.


I was in awe.  We finished up at the doctor's office and headed straight to the big Target right across the street from Baybrook Mall.  At least we didn't have to go into the mall, although it was not at all crowded.  And inside Target we went right to the toy section and searched out the specific toys on her list.  I don't want to let the cat out of the bag about everything we got, but I will reveal one of the gifts at the close of the blog today.  I doubt any of the grandkids would see it anyway, but certain of their Daddys are well known for doing all they can to discover what is under the tree before Christmas morning.  So hang in there, boys. 


It felt like we were in Target for hours.  Couldn't have been all that long, though.  And I was not at all bored.  It was fun pushing the red cart up and down the toy aisles and sampling the wares.  Eat your heart out.  I will admit that it was a little harder to stay focused in the clothing departments.  And looking at stuff for girls to wear was a stretch at best.  How would I know what looks good?  I didn't even know what color it was.  The book and movie section was by far my favorite in the whole store, though.  Especially when I was able to discreetly escape to another aisle when Chris was offered "help" by another customer.  They spent five minutes or so together looking at "just wonderful little children's books."  


We intended to check out one more store before coming back to Galveston.  We decided to grab a McDonald's burger instead.  Chris had to be back in town around 6:30 to help Nathan "take care of Cailyn" while April was in class.  Actually Nathan has strep throat, so it wasn't all that hard to see which of Mommy's babies needed the most care. 


I promised to reveal the identity of one – just one – of the presents we purchased today, and now is the time.  Someone put your fingers over Josiah's eyes.  We bought him some diapers.  Hah.  Kel thought I was really going to reveal some hidden knowledge.  Not a chance.  See you Christmas morning.  Or maybe we'll wait until that next Monday or Tuesday when Josh and his family arrive.


Psalms 81:1 says, "Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob!"


Father, thanks for being the God of Kelley, too.  Amen.

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