Saturday, December 7, 2024

December 7 - “Decisions”

We were a little late getting on the road yesterday. Our goal was 9 a.m.  Nineteen minutes behind. Not a bad start. Of course we still had to pick up Josiah. He had arranged with Caleb to hang out over the weekend. 

We arrived in Waco in plenty of time to scarf down some pizza and watch a little of one of the Harry Potter movies. Then we had the first of our big decisions. Caleb had a basketball game, so I was definitely in for that. So was Josiah. In fact, Chris came, too. The decision came because Lindsay was dancing at the downtown tree lighting. And it’s cold at night in Waco. 

As it turned out we split up into two cars. Chris and I joined Christi and Linda and AnnaGrace and headed downtown. The rest of the boys went back to the house. We tried two different parking places. The first one, we realized after about twelve steps, was restricted. The second was clearly a public lot, though. We piled out of the car a second time and … it started raining. Back into the car we dove. Not to be completely deterred, however, Christi drove in circles, and we actually saw (from the car) Lindsay’s team dancing on stage. Not sure which one was her, but Hey, Lindsay! We saw you in your cute Santa outfit!  

The second big decision happens today. Caleb has a basketball tournament. Josh is his coach. His games are at 12:30, then 3:15, then either 4:30 or 5:45 (or we’re done if we lose both games). Problem. Caleb has rehearsals for the musical he is in all day. Josh has to be at the production at 6 to speak. Not sure yet if an assistant coach is available. Zak has agreed to step in if needed to coach. He is recruiting me to be his assistant. Hence … decision. 

Now.  Back to Caleb’s game last night. The opponent was a varsity team. Score was 50-45 good guys. Woohoo!

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭ says, And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.

Father, thank you for the safe trip for us and the safe game for the boys. Amen. 

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