Monday, February 20, 2023

February 20 - “T Test”

It was a great Sunday in Waco. We joined Josh and his crew at church. Josh preached on the signs of a true revival in the wake of the current one going on in Kentucky. He challenged us to pay attention to how we live out our Christian walk - how much like Jesus are we becoming, really? He said we should apply the T Test:


Think - who do you think about most?

Talk - who do you talk about most?

Treasures - who do you spend the most money on?

Time - who do you spend the most time on?


Challenging stuff, indeed.


We had a pretty uneventful ride home. I took over driving after our Buc-ee’s stop. That meant I had the privilege of driving through Houston. That wasn’t bad at all, though. But about halfway between there and Galveston, it struck. No, nothing happened to the car or anything. I mean the traffic hit. Bumper to bumper and no way to go around it. Come to find out, it was just the perennial construction on the freeway. Our side was narrowed down into just two very narrow lanes. We waded through it without incident.  It did add about half an hour to our journey.


Since it was taking so long anyway, we decided to swing by and check in on Nathan and April and Cailyn. They had just finished building a new deck for their hot tub, and had the tub moved on over. They were having some friends over to celebrate. Well, I guess they were actually celebrating the fact that one of them had brought over a brisket and Nathan was smoking it. We stayed for a while and chatted, but decided it was time to get on home.


Corey came over while we were still in the driveway to check in and give us a report on Sam and cold pizza availabilities. Freddy greeted us at the door, and Sam hollered her greetings from the table. Great to be missed. Sam said Seaside was packed to the gills with people. So many that extra chairs had to be brought in. Sounds exciting …


Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


Father, thank you for the exciting stuff going on in Kentucky … and Waco … and Jamaica Beach. Keep on coming! Amen.

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