Friday, February 10, 2023

February 10 - “You’re dreaming”

Rarely do I have dreams that come in segments yet are all part of a whole. That happened to me the other day.


As I fell asleep, I saw before me a large puzzle. Like life sized. Like each piece was as big as me. Every time I found a piece of the puzzle and set it, I would be able to fall asleep. And that actually happened. Each time I realized I couldn’t find a piece, I also realized that I was awake.


At one point I identified the shapes of three of the missing pieces. And I woke up. I couldn’t get back to sleep. I rolled and stretched and searched for a comfortable position. Finally, the next piece appeared there in front of me. It fit in. I dozed. Then the next piece. Same. And then the next. Same.


The moral of the dream? I don’t know.  Maybe … just do the next thing and trust that the plan will be revealed one piece at a time?


Chris had another real early (for her) morning. She had an appointment with the eye doc for her one week follow up after surgery. All was well there. Looks like she’s going to settle in to whatever her final eyesight will be before glasses. She was between 20-40 and 20-25, though. Not bad.


Next we swung into Walmart to get some prizes for the Super Bowl Commercial Bingo game. All set in that department. 10 big prizes, folks. You can’t miss out on that fun!  Come on over to our house around 5:30 Sunday night. Chris is making some chili. Bring some grub of your own to share. There promises to be some great commercials. We’ll see. And if you really want to, you can even watch that “other event” on the same channel in between commercials.


Ephesians 4:29 says, Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


Father, thank you for the good report on Chris’ eyes. And thanks for the weird dream. Let me know if I “got it” right. Amen.

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