Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 10 – “A rather serendipitous encounter”

We had a rather serendipitous encounter yesterday.  Well, “serendipitous” might not be the exact right word, but I like to say it.  So … serendipitous.  We had to make a WalMart run for some key groceries.  That went well.  No particular issues or marvels to deal with.  Well, other than the fact that they didn’t have the special face cream Chris has to use as directed by her dermatologist.  Or Pepsi.  They didn’t have any Pepsi, either.  Oh,.  I take that back.  We did find some wild cherry Pepsi and some diet Pepsi.  So … no Pepsi.  And they don’t carry the dog food that Freddy eats – Little Bites by Purina.  And that necessitated a trip over to Randall’s to complete the excursion. 


I think I have figured out why Randall’s carries the Little Bites dog food and WalMart doesn’t.  It’s all about the people – the clientele.  WalMart simply caters to big dog people.  The folks who tend to choose Randall’s for their shopping needs tend to have little dogs.  I personally prefer Randall’s because it is quieter and more serene.  Of course that means I don’t get as many chances at people-watching.  Chris, on the other hand, immediately rues the fact that she forgets to bring a sweater with her to Randall’s.  But they do have Freddy’s dog food.  And in this instance, coffee on sale.  And Pepsi.  On sale.  


So on to the aforementioned encounter.  As we were checking out Chris noticed a gentleman walking out the door.  She immediately placed who it could be – an old friend of ours, Chris Passons.  We didn’t get to talk to him, though.  A little matter of paying for the dog food and all.  We finished checking out and loaded the stuff into the car.  As we were pulling out toward the parking lot exit, we both glanced over at the gas station.  And who should be standing there pumping gas into his car?  You guessed it.  Chris Passons.  Chris pulled into a parking spot and we ran over for a hug and a quick catch-up. 


They have recently moved back here from teaching in Central America.  I have seen some of their exploits on FaceBook since they have been back in the States.  They have been to Washington, D.C. and New York City.  He explained the why of all their domestic travel.  Other than the obvious chance for the kids to see the country, they are currently awaiting all the paperwork required for them to be stationed for a time teaching at a school in Kuwait.  Chris thought it might go faster if he hand-delivered the paperwork to the appropriate office in D.C.  Except he discovered upon arrival … that office is closed because of Covid.  They are only taking applications by mail.  He stood outside the office door, talking to a person inside.  He told them he was putting the envelope in the mailbox right outside the office.  They should receive it the very next day.  She assured him she would watch for it and expedite as best as she could.  Except … That next day someone in the mailroom contracted Covid.  All mail delivery was shut down so they could sanitize.  That was just one example of the hoopla they have been going through to get to Kuwait.  It was great to see him, though.  I hope they have a chance to come to Seaside at least once before they leave.


Psalms 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”


Father, please be with the Passons family.  Grease some wheels for them to get all the ducks in a row that they need to get on with the next exciting phase of their life.  Amen.


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