Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December 2 – “My Little Detour”

Yesterday was the final day of the Waco cousins’ visit to Galveston for the Thanksgiving season.  I was working at my desk in the morning when I was visited by young Luke.  He plopped himself down in the rocking chair next to Freddy and started talking.  I sensed a “moment,” so I stopped typing and turned to face him.  Even changed the setting on my hearing aids to “high” so I could hear him better.  We started out chatting about the Turkey Bowl and his involvement in it this year as the all-star rookie quarterback.  I love how he handles the accolades.  If what is said about him is true, he responds with a simple, “Yes.”  No false humility in this one.  If there are obvious embellishments, however, he grins a huge grin, or chuckles and says, “Well, that’s not true.”  He is a stickler for accuracy, too.  He always knew the score or what down it was, even when I tried to change it on purpose. 


But soon he moved beyond the football field, for this seven-year-old had greater things on his mind.  See, he is in the process of writing a book.  By this time Chris had joined us.  The presence of another fan didn’t deter his disclosure, however.  The book is about his own life – an autobiography.  And plans are for it to be a chapter book, you see?  There are a lot of stories that must be included.  “After all,” as he explained to us, “I did a lot of stuff back when I was six.  But I will write about the Turkey Bowl this year when I get to my sevens.  I still have to write about the Turkey Bowl last year, because I was in it then for the first time.  But I didn’t do too much.  I just caught one pass, but that one was for a touchdown.”  Yes, it was, Luke.  I had forgotten that.  My bad. 


After holding court for a very long time, Luke decided he was getting hungry.  That set well with the rest of us (by now his Dad had joined the array of fandom).  But did Luke simply retire to the couch and bury his head in a video game?  Oh, no.  Instead he joined Nani in the kitchen and fixed breakfast for the family.  Pancakes and bacon.  Great stuff.  Oh, and for those of you who are following the situation closely … Nani had Cheerios.  No bacon.  She is behaving. 


At the breakfast table we heard from the boys (and from their Mom, who keeps extensive lists) what kinds of things were on their Christmas lists.  Chris took notes for future reference.  After all … IT IS DECEMBER.


And speaking of Chris, keep your ears open for her latest euphemism for her heart attack.  She has advanced from “cardiac event.”  I guess that sounded too clinical.  Now her favorite is “My Little Detour.”  Indeed …


Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.


Father, thank you for Luke and his aspirations for the future.  Bless him as he works to make them come true.  Amen.

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