Monday, January 6, 2020

January 6 – “Feels like home”

I thought I’d borrow a post I saw this morning on FaceBook for the journal today.  Partly because it gives a glimpse into life at Seaside.  Also partly because it just made me feel good.  It was written by the Mom of one of the newer families at the church.
“One of the things I love most about our church (well besides the visual verses - everyone needs a good laugh), is at the end of the service everyone holds hands and sings ‘Family Of God.’ This is awesome to see because we are ‘family’ in every sense of the term. We've only been going to Seaside for 4 months now, so we're still getting to know everyone, but this is the first time I've felt ‘at home’ in a church in a very long time. The kids love our pastor, as do I. He's not afraid to laugh, joke around, and he has a very unique way of teaching (all while the plan of salvation stays in clear focus). I love Seaside and the people that go there (trust me when I say that everyone needs a Fisherman Bob!) I love that it's ‘come as you are.’ Many of us are struggling with things in our life, just trying to find our way. It's nice to have found a place that is accepting and feels like home. It makes a big difference when your kids get up and actually want to go to church. Or to hear the discussions among them later that actually prove they were listening! (Amanda once got mad at Jonathan. He told her ‘Pastor Kelley says that you choose how you react to a situation, whether or not you choose to be offended, it's in your hands now.’ Leave it to him to twist everything around in his favor, lol).”

Thanks for the encouragement, Jana.  Great to have you guys at Seaside.  And Jonathan … see you at WalMart.

Philippians 4:6 says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Father, thank you for sending families like Jana’s to be a part of the family at Seaside.  Give them all a blessed day.  Amen.

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