Sunday, January 19, 2020

January 19 – “Countdown to departure … mere hours”

Yesterday we went to Cailyn’s birthday party.  It was a new experience for us.  Not the birthday party.  We have been to a few of those.  It was the venue that was unfamiliar.  Place called Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park.  To give you an idea of the size, it was basically an old gutted Home Depot.  In the place of tools and lights and appliances were things like trampolines, climbing walls, go carts, and even a zip line.  They even had rooms set aside for birthday party headquarters.  We picked up the four LaMarque boys.  Little sister Noa was sick with the flu.  They most assuredly had a good time.  There were kids everywhere.  That did make it quite difficult to keep up with a certain three-year-old who, though quite shy at first, found himself – in spite of himself – climbing and sliding and having a lot of fun.  Pretty amazing to create a space that can do all that.  Way to go, whoever Mr. Creative was …

Well, I see by my Alaska-generated Moose Calendar (A gift from a Seasider with a daughter who lives there) that today is finally departure day for the cruise in the opposite direction to the Panama Canal.  We are supposed to be crawling onto the ship by 1:30, so that means I still have to go to work this morning.  So right after church we will be hightailing it straight to the terminal.  I’m not sure about the ship’s WiFi or internet, so posts for the next few weeks may be spotty at best.  Hang in there, though.  I’ll eventually get the word out about this massively Southern journey.

2 Corinthians 7:10 says, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.”

Father, would you go with us on this trek?  Hate to leave home without you.  Amen.

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