Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 28 – “Bask … Bask …”

Well, our morning was spent engaged in that all-American activity … watching kids’ sports.  This time it was Cailyn, and no, she wasn’t playing softball for a change.  She has started volleyball in a program over at the big Methodist church on the Island.  The girls are just learning the game and rules and nuances of the sport, but they all did really well.  My favorite parts were:
1) The beginning of the game when the umpire did a little teaching for both teams, showing them the correct way to check into a game when they are substituting. 
2) The way they all (both teams, but Cailyn’s team was especially impressive at this) encouraged with high fives and verbal affirmation not just good plays, but good efforts as well. 
After the game Cailyn’s coach told us that she was really strong (physically) and that she was the leader, the heart and soul of the team.  Proud granddad moment … Bask … Bask …

In the afternoon we took Cailyn with us to LaMarque for Noa’s birthday party.  She had a lot of children there to help her celebrate at the local park/playground pavilion.  And between her and her Mom they had developed a dual themed event.  Hold onto your hats and see if you can picture these two things together: unicorns (to be expected … she has loved unicorns for several years now) and Karate.  Yep.   A unicorn Karate birthday party.  Unicorns adorned much of the décor.  A highlight of the day was the opening when a group of the children gave a live demonstration of some impressive karate moves.  They even gave some mini-lessons. 

Then came the cupcakes.  Icing was gi-colored (I think that’s the name of the karate outfit they wear.  That was just a code word for the icing color - white), and on top of each one was a twizzler tied in a knot to look like one of the karate belts.  Also fake sushi.  A rice krispy treat wrapped in a fruit roll-up.  I passed on the sushi and the belt.  Stuck with a cupcake and a bottle of water.  We ended up staying for supper with the LaMarque clan.  Pulled pork on baked potato with green beans and corn.  Quite the feast. 

Then Cailyn came home with us and spent the night.  Just for fun.  I hope she and Chris slept better than I did.  The neighbors were having a … well, I’ll just call it an extended chat on their front porch with what sounded like several dozen of their closest friends.  The Freddy treed another possum.  The Freddy decided she desperately wanted to be in the main part of the house with the rest of us.  “Whining at the door might help,” she figured.  Nope. 

I suppose it was a pretty good day (accent on the “day” as opposed to the night).  I guess you could call it a great, grandparents’ day (as opposed to a great-grandparents’ day, which we are nowhere near being as of yet).    

John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”

Father, be with all of those little children we met at the park yesterday.  And give Kel and Christina opportunities to share you with the neighbors who came.  Amen.

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