Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28 – “An incredible day of cooperation”

We witnessed an incredible day of cooperation yesterday.  The big event scheduled at Seaside was our Fall Festival, a fun day of games and a bounce house for the neighborhood kids, and chili and hotdogs and caramel apples and candy (sensing a theme here?) for everyone.  Totally free, but it has kind of become a tradition that people bring along a canned good or two to be given to families in need.  Lauren was once again in charge, so preparations had been made well in advance.  More than twenty Seasiders were out in a volunteer force to make the event happen.  Others made chili or dropped off candy for games prizes. 

Now here’s the thing.  There was a group in the retreat center here for a Lutheran confirmation class retreat.  Those kids helped us bring chairs downstairs.  We were hosting early voting in the worship center, so we had to dedicate half of our small parking lot to voter parking – no small feat since we generally fill up the whole thing with festival stuff.  The voting judges were more than understanding when we had to walk behind them to get to the office or a closet or even to the bathroom.  We invited them to join us for the lunch we ordered from Mario’s for the people helping set up, and they did rotate out so each one could get some pizza.  I noticed that they also grabbed a bowl of chili later in the day.  Seasiders in blue shorts were flitting about everywhere setting up and running games and serving chili and chatting with our neighbors.  Jim and Corey and Doug figured out a way to get electricity to the band and the bounce house, and then regaled us with some great live music.

And then when it came time to break it all down, a team of Seasiders and neighbors joined in to help.  We were getting it down, albeit slowly, when all of a sudden a rush of further volunteers exploded forth from the worship center.  The AA group that meets in our building every Saturday night had been arriving, and when they realized what we were doing, they jumped up to help out.  The pace quickened to such an extent that we were finished in a fraction of the time.  I gotta say, I was greatly impressed by the teamwork and pleasant spirit of cooperation.  The Seaside home group.  A group here for a retreat.  Four election judges.  An AA group here for a meeting.  And some wonderful Jamaica Beach neighbors.  That makes five different entities working together toward a common goal.  Impressive, isn’t it?

In the meantime, I was able to connect with several people.  A paramedic who wanted to talk about my role as fire chaplain.  A young family who just moved to Jamaica Beach.  A young man who volunteers with the Jamaica Beach fire department.  A couple with a boxer puppy (Introduced them to April who had their new boxer pup with her).  Our new Christian and just-baptized Jeff and his family.  Cory and Sarah, our cop family.  All four of the election judges.  The adult sponsors of the Lutheran group.  I guess the list could go on and on. 

It was a truly good day.  I am proud of our Seaside team (especially their fearless leader, Lauren).  God was glorified. 

Psalms 108:1 says, “My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul.”

Father, may you continue to be glorified in everything we do.  Amen.

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