Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14 – “Burgers n dogs n missions”

Seaside was once again invited to provide food concessions for the Jamaica Beach Craft market.  Always great to be respected enough to be asked to be involved in a community event.  We served hamburgers and hot dogs.  Oh, and bacon.  Lots of bacon.  I even saw more than a few bacon-laden hotdogs.  One lady refused a bun.  She just piled the bacon on top of her hot dog, added a few squirts of mustard and some relish, and she was good to go.  Ray’s tricked-out barbecue trailer was quite impressive, as was his crew who turned out the burgers and dogs.  Thanks, Ray and Bob and Carlton.

Seasiders came out bedecked in our blue (teal?) Seaside shirts to work in the kitchen and on that portable pit.  Others brought condiments and baked goods.  A few were even vendors in the market.  It was quite an impressive team.  I was really impressed with that kitchen crew.  They stood in the hot kitchen and joyfully served food all day long.  I remember seeing Chris (of course) and Lauren and Cathy and Amber (on her birthday, no less) and Kathy and Dianne and Sharon and Jim and Corey and Janell and Brennan and Suzann and Sam.  I probably missed a few, but thanks to you all.  Ray and Mary Ann got especially creative.  They raffled off two Houston Astros flags.  One of the vendors even got into the act.  He donated one of his carved pelicans to be auctioned off later.  We didn’t charge specific amounts; just accepted donations for missions.  And money-wise we did really well.  Final counts should come in today. 

A lot of other folks stropped me to talk.  Two gentlemen among that batch caught my eye and approached.  They looked really familiar, but I couldn’t come up with a name.  As he shook my hand, one of them simply remarked, “We just wanted to thank you again for baptizing us.  We will never forget it.”  Later, another guy I didn’t know, clad in all things Astro, walked by, so I had to remark on his gear, calling him “my man,” a fellow Astros supporter.  He responded by putting a hand on my shoulder and declaring, “Well, Pastor Kelley is MY man for Easter sunrise services.”  Gotta say, I was speechless.  Didn’t expect that one.

Meanwhile, Chris and I had to leave for a while to go pick up Heidi the Rottschund/dachsweiler from the vet.  After the crazy ridiculous setback she had yesterday, the vet who did the surgeries called and told us she did very well through the night and was in fact “eating like a pig.”  That’s our Heidi.  She seems pleased to be back at home, and as soon as the surgery site heals I for one will be happy to get that silly cone off her head.  I know Chris is breathing a little easier this morning.  OK.  A lot easier …

Psalms 105:3 says, “Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”

Father, thank you for the folks who volunteered to help at the park yesterday.  bless then for their contributions of time and energy and … bacon.  Amen.

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