Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 4 – “Labor Day Flood of 2018”

Our own personal little tropical system poured 5-12 inches of rain over Galveston yesterday.  And not only that, we are carefully watching Tropical Storm Gordon.  That one just left the Florida coast and is loose in the Gulf.  Right now it looks like it will make landfall on the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama coast sometime in the next day or so.  Of course anyone who has lived her longer than a few hurricane seasons knows that anything can happen with a storm in the Gulf.  We’ll carry on our day with one eye out there. 

Meanwhile, people are cleaning up from the Labor Day Flood of 2018.  I guess that’s officially a “Thing” now.  Lots of the Island experienced high water, especially when the high tide came in.  The Strand was impassable.  Several whackos were driving down Broadway videoing the wakes they were causing to flow into businesses.  One reporter from channel 11 found a group of people trying to get to the cruise ship in time for departure.  The bus they were on refused to drive through the high water, so they were walking through at least knee deep water.  The reporter befriended a 71 year old lady and was carrying her suitcase for her.  A local resident in a pickup truck finally stopped and offered to give the lady a ride the rest of the way.  Best part of this feel-good story?  The three or four times the reporter had to stop and empty water out of his rain boots. 

Needless to say we didn’t get our walk in in the morning.  Instead I snuck in some computer work (I know.  I know.  It’s supposed to be a holiday), and then we binge-watched a little Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  We are in the last season and they have a run of episodes going.  We made it as far as Part Five.  That’s a new record for “To Be Continued.”  Oh, and the Astros had a Labor Day afternoon game on TV as well.  The sky did clear out enough for us to go walking after supper, though.  Got in those three miles.  I think I’ve actually lost a few pounds with all this trekking.

Psalms 96:12 says, “Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them.  Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy”

Father, would you protect those who will be in the path of what will be Hurricane Gordon by the time it hits land?  Grant them peace and protection.  Amen. 

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