Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 18 – “Best Gift Ever”

Well, the report on Chris’ birthday events is a lot different than mine was.  No house full of kids, for one thing.  She managed to survive without it, though. 

The day started when I got a text from Nathan inviting us to lunch.  And that in itself was a gift of sorts to Chris.  The fact that he texted me instead of her, I mean.  He knew she would no doubt still be asleep, since it wasn’t yet 7 a.m.  He was right.  But not long after she did get up we had a little visitor peeking in the front door.  It was none other than Brennan from across the street.  He had to say his happy birthday before he left to spend the day at Grandma’s house.  So … pretty good start.  Then it was my turn.

When it was finally just the two of us again, I pulled out my gift to her.  I explained that I had thought long and hard, and I had come up with something that relates directly to what we have been trying to accomplish.  Now, at the time I didn’t tell her what we’ve been trying to accomplish.  That would be revealing too much.  But I’ll let you in on it.  We have been trying to get in shape.  I have already written about her walking four miles a day, right?  So what could be a more appropriate gift to assist with that endeavor?  I found it, folks.  Best gift ever.  Umm.  Or so I thought.  Note to self (And to all you guys out there): a bathroom scale that records your last weight and tells you each time you get on how much you have lost or gained since your last visit … doesn’t go over so well as a birthday present for your wife.  She actually handed it back to me and told me to return it to the store, reminding me that we already had a bathroom scale.  I explained that this one was so much better.  Along with its memory feature it also had a very large, digital display.  Our old one was one of those dials, and we couldn’t see it very well.  How was I to know that was one of the things she liked about it?  Sigh.  Birthday disaster. 

But wait.  Fortunately I had a back-up plan.  Chris has been researching cameras in depth for weeks now.  She wants a really good one for our trip to Alaska.  A friend at church happened to have one available for sale, so I pulled the trigger and got it … weeks ago.  Yep.  I had to sit here and listen to all the camera discoveries as she made them, making mental notes to check the one I already had to see if it had the same functions she was getting excited about.  Keeping a secret like that is so much fun.  Especially when you get to reveal your treachery at the final reveal. 

This camera is way more advanced than I am.  It has buttons and dials and lenses and a cool popup flash.  I think I’ll stick to my selfie stick, though (although the new camera can actually be screwed onto the selfie stick.  Seems a bit of overkill to me, though).  She’ll have to learn the ins and outs of the new one.  She has already read the instruction manual from cover to cover.  And she has eleven months to practice ahead of her.  Put your camera-ready faces on, everybody.  The photographer is in the house.

We were treated to a nice Mexican food lunch by Nathan and Cailyn.  At one point in the meal, Cailyn excused herself to go to the bathroom.  But it was not a bathroom stop that was in her mind at all.  She was diabolically arranging with the staff to come over and sing “Happy Birthday to You” to Chris.  Now that was great fun.  Especially, I’m sure, for the one wearing the goofy paper cap (she looked lovely in it, I might add).

On the way home we stopped at WalMart to pick up a new wet-dry vacuum and some shorts for me.  Ours is rapidly dying.  The vacuum and most of my shorts. 

Back at home I had to deal with a shipment issue from the Daytimer company.  And while I was on hold with them, Chris read that we had to download some software so we could connect the new camera to the computer.  Did that.  I’m not sure how that works yet.  I am sure that I will be finding out soon. 

Chris even had a chance to grab a quick power nap in the afternoon.  While she dozed I watched a thriller of a movie called Trailer Park Shark.  Classic.  How could I have missed this one?  Great white shark loose in a flooded trailer park somewhere in the swamps of … never heard where.  Spoiler alert … Lots of blood.  He chews up everybody but the romantically involved couple, one friend, and the dog that has been floating around on top of his doghouse the entire movie.  Finally Mr. Shark, himself, is tragically ripped to shreds by one of those windmill generator things.  Don’t ask how that happens.  Some things might have been a little far-fetched. 

Last night as we sat on the couch together, watching the Little League World Series (how much more romantic can you get?), Chris sighed and said, “I should have started a quilt.  Now I have nothing to do.  I’ve researched the trip, so we know what that’s going to be like.  I have a camera, so I don’t have to research that anymore.”  And then came the real kicker … “I’m bored.”  Guess we’ll have to come up with something to do.  Or someplace to go.  Or maybe … something to research. 

Psalms 92:4 says, “For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands.”

Father, I really do love this gem you have given me to share life with.  Always give her something to do or at least to research.  I think she’ll be happy.  Amen.

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