Saturday, April 7, 2018

April 7 – “A Social Security Saga”

So, what I had hoped would be maybe an hour out of my day has now turned into a veritable saga for the ages.  After failing in my designated two attempts to create a “My Social Security” account, I was counseled by the kind voice on the end of the phone line (that would be the call I mentioned yesterday that took 40 minutes to get an answer) to go in person to the nearest social security office, where they could bypass all the credit-report based security questions and set my account up for me.  And so my day yesterday began.

Now, the nearest social security office is now in League City, so we had to make a trip off the Island.  Yes, the pronoun has suddenly changed to “we,” similar to when Luke joined the journey with Paul back in the Book of Acts.  Being the marvelous wife that she is, Chris decided to join my journey.  I’m sure the fact that the social security office is located next door to Kohl’s and Kohl’s just happened to be having a massive sale had absolutely nothing to do with her decision.  I know it was all about spending quality time with her wonderful husband. 

OK.  We arrived at the office around 10:15.  Chris headed to Kohl’s.  I entered a room with about 50 chairs, all but a few of them filled.  I found out later that a line had formed outside the office door beginning around and seven, and by eight it was a fully formed creature.  I dutifully checked in at the welcome center (two kiosks with computerized instructions: “Enter your social security number and you will receive your number in line”).  And then they had me.  The uniformed security guard quickly demanded that I sit in one of the chairs and wait for my number to be called.  No standing allowed indoors.  And when every chair was filled, he insisted that anyone else coming through the door go back and wait outside. 

The number I was issued didn’t really mean much.  They weren’t actually going in numerical order.  Different specialists could only do their thing if the right person with the right need showed up.  So I sat with everyone else for an hour and ten minutes.  I did make friends with the guy next to me.  He was a year older than me, and was on oxygen.  He was doing a change in marital status.  Told me if he could get it done quickly enough, that his ex wouldn’t get a dime.  Good luck with that.  As we became acquainted we started chatting up several others seated nearby.  I don’t think the security guard liked that too much.  Can’t have the inmates plotting to take over the asylum, you know. 
I finally received my call back and my new friends literally cheered me on (we knew each other’s numbers by this time).  Could this really mean my ordeal was almost over?  I went back and explained my simple need – to set up my online account.  Easy peasy, right?  My CSS (Customer Service Specialist, or whatever they are called) asked for my ID and then asked two questions.  “What is your mother’s maiden name?” and “What is your Dad’s name?”  That was it.  So much for Experian-based security questions.  I told him I could have done this myself if those had been the security questions.  He had a good chuckle and quickly entered in all of my personal information.  And then he pushed “Send” to the printer so I would get a copy of my brand new online access code.  And … it didn’t work.  He chuckled again (He was quite the chuckler) and entered everything again and pushed send.  And … it didn’t work.  So he entered everything a third time and pushed send.  And … it didn’t work.  (He didn’t chuckle this time).  So he asked the person working next to him to try it from her terminal.  So she entered everything a fourth time and pushed send.  And … it didn’t work.  My CSS assured me that he had never had this happen before, but it appeared that the computer server was suddenly down.  There was nothing he could do about it.  He promised that he would keep trying and call me if he ever got through.  Of course, he got off work at four.  And he was off on Monday.  And he would be swamped with catch-up work on Tuesday.  So it might be Wednesday before he could call me back.  So I left.  Sigh.  It’s official, folks.  I broke the government’s computer.

Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Father, would you give that fellow who helped me a good weekend?  He was really flustered when I left.  Amen.

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