Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5 – “The Voice”

We are still having issues with people connecting to the blog site from the FaceBook post I put up every day.  When they click on the link it tells them that the connection cannot be completed.  Why?  Because “Your connection is not private.”  And “Attackers might be trying to steal you information.”  There is nothing different that I have done, or that any of my readers have done. 

This happened once before, and after a few days everything went back to normal.  Not so this time.  It continues.  I have done all kids of research trying to figure it out.  Some places say it is basically FaceBook doing their thing to protect the world from evil websites (read here sites they didn’t think of first or haven’t yet purchased).  Other places lay the blame on specific search engines, although I have tried it myself through Google chrome, Safari, and even both versions of Internet Explorer with no luck anywhere.  Apparently the only way to get to the site is to enter the address manually into your web browser.  For some reason that method is approved.  I guess it’s like you signing a waiver of responsibility for when aliens invade your house through the computer screen and take over your body. 

Hmm.  Maybe that’s what has happened to me already.  Maybe I am an agent of an extra-terrestrial race sent here to provide access to the ten or twenty lives who read my blog.  But wait.  One of my posts from the week of our vacation – the one where we first entered Big Bend – for some insane reason had 997 reads as of the last time I check.  Why so many?  Has that ever happened before?  Well, once.  But that was when the entire city of Atoka, Oklahoma, read my report of their generosity after Hurricane Harvey.  Maybe we should all succumb to the influence of the inner voice on our tech devices and accept whatever they tell us.  Umm.  Or not.

Isaiah 30:21 says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’”

Father, thank you for your guiding voice that we can trust.  Amen.

1 comment:

Robert Mundy said...

As one of your faithful members of "the ten or twenty lives who read my blog," the old fashion way via the world wide web (no Facebook) has and does always work for me. -- Robert Mundy