Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11 – “It’s in German”

We didn’t work in the yard yesterday.  Want to know why?  Well, remember I mentioned yesterday that I helped Chris finish cleaning out the last flower bed in the backyard?  Great team, we are.  Come see our backyard some time.  Well, after said exertion, I for one was extremely sore.  Yep.  Sore in every squat muscle you can imagine.  In my legs.  In my ankles.  In my knees.  In my stomach.  But most especially in my posterior regions.  It was painful to even sit down.  So I walked around the house a lot.

I did get some real exercise, though.  Our new across the street neighbors and fellow Seasiders, the Gerans,  began moving in.  We watched as the big U-Haul pulled up.  Then pulled out.  Then backed up, then pulled out.  It took her a while, but Janell finally got that monster into position to unload.  As entertaining as it was to be the nosey neighbor and just watch the excitement out our front window, we had to do the neighborly thing.  And the Christian thing.  And the church member thing.  And the friend thing.  That’s a lot of reasons to help someone unload their U-Haul.  So I U-hauled my sore backside on across the street and dove right in.

I do appreciate Corey watching out for me lifting too much.  I tend to get over-zealous when I get started at something like this.  In fact I was having fun, because the items had been packaged in Europe, and each was labeled … in German.  So to be helpful I read aloud what each piece was (Not that I had any idea what I was reading).  Corey, however, mentioned a certain miniscule weight lift limit that had been imposed upon me by the doctor.  Ah, the trials of helping someone who knows so much about you.  He told me he didn’t want to get into trouble with MamaChris by being responsible for me getting hurt.  I told him, “Don’t worry.  She doesn’t even know where I am.”  And of course, just as the words came out of my mouth, who should walk around behind the U-Haul to see what she could do to help?  Yep.  Busted. 

We did get it done, though.  Well, we had to call in reinforcements for the final piece of furniture.  It was an utter beast of a top piece to a china cabinet or something.  Extremely heavy.  So Chris made a phone call and Nathan came over on his scooter to save the day.  So that load of furniture is officially inside.  They still have to unwrap it and place it all, though, so they are not moved in by any means.  They also have quite a bit of other stuff to bring over from their other house.  We are well on the way to having some more new neighbors.

Psalms 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him”

Father, bless our new neighbors.  Give them strength as they finish the moving of their stuff.  Amen.

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