Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22 – “That is the question”

We had a bit of a busy day yesterday.  We were descended upon by five grandchildren.  Christina had a little bit of Christmas shopping left to do, so she dropped all the kids off so she could concentrate on her task at hand.  They did fine.  Usually do.  In between gnawing on pizza, they each found ways to be entertained.  Jachin read a book.  Micah and Josiah cornered Nana into a game at the table.  I alternated between chasing Ezra around in circles and hanging out with Noa in my chair.  Tough work, but somebody had to do it in the name of all that is Santa Claus. 

And speaking of the jolly old elf, Chris and I made one of those shopping excursions ourselves once the kiddos headed home.  Just a few more items and we would complete our list for the year.  It took some doing.  We started at Home Depot (where we ended up chatting with our plumber for fifteen or twenty minutes about our families and our respective Christmas plans … I love Galveston), popped into Target while we were at that end of 61st Street (no, we didn’t have to cross over 61st into “The East End,” thank goodness), and then ended up at WalMart (of course) to finish the run.  We even got most of the wrapping done when we got home.  Best I can tell the only thing left for us to get is … wait.  We only have one banana left, and the grapes are almost gone, too.  This whole grocery thing is a never-ending battle. 

I started working on our Christmas newsletter.  First one we have attempted in several years.  Chris did all the groundwork for it.  She pulled together all the significant happenings of 2017.  All I had to do was come up with some flower-lipping to make it sound presentable.  Then she did some editing, and voila, a newsletter is born.  I haven’t looked at our mailing list yet, so if you want to be on it, you better let me know so we can make sure we have an address.  Yep.  We usually send this thing snail mail.  Can you believe that?  Never occurred to us to do it through email.  Hmm.  Maybe we could enter at least the 20th century.  Snail mail or email?  I guess that is the question.

Psalms 18:46 says, “The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!  Exalted be God my Savior!”

Father, thank you for food.  Amen.

1 comment:

Linda Clinton said...

email is cheaper