Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 12 – “What do we do with that?”

Just pondering a bit this morning about life and stuff.  I was reminded of two notes I received Sunday morning.  One was in the form of an announcement of sorts.  Lauren put together the comments she received from different vendors, all of which were quite positive and encouraging, by the way.  But at the end she added a little snippet of her own.  It included the words she would use to describe Seasiders.  Check them out: Love, Fellowship, Joy, Unity, and Fun.  Wow.  That’s a lot of pressure on you guys to live up to her expectations.  But I gotta say … I’ve seen all those as well. 

The second note has me a bit puzzled.  No, I’d say it was more like stumped.  It took the form of a Christmas card addressed to me and Chris.  It was from a very sweet lady named Jeane who used to come to Seaside quite a bit as a weekender before her health started to get bad.  Here are her words:
“Hope you can buy something for the sanctuary in your honor.  Some little something to remind you of how much God loves you and knows your love and dedication as you serve Him.”
Enclosed was a modest check.  Now, first of all, we are humbled by her kindness.  I have never had anyone do anything quite like that before.  Secondly, what are we supposed to do with that?  My plan is to hand it over to the church, of course, and just let some of the key leaders decided what they think would best reflect her intentions.  Put it in the fund to go toward replacing the floor?  Maybe get some new worship banners, say for the Christmas season?  Anybody have any ideas?

Psalms 16:7-8 says, “I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.  I have set the Lord always before me.  Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.”

Father, thank you for Mrs. Jeane and her expression of love and her kind words.  Bless her this Christmas with your joy.  Amen.

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