Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27 – “Seaside Pancake Breakfast 7-11 a.m.”

Not much time for this one.  We had a house full of youngsters last night.  Cousins.  Cailyn was at a softball tournament in Beaumont, so she wasn’t here, but the rest of them were.  Josh and Christi came in for the weekend, so Christina brought down all her kids to hang out.  There was quite the Nerf gun battle, and we even made a walk over to the park to play for a while.  That would be Jones Park, one of the ones that was slated to be sold, but the voters nixed the transaction.  It is one of the worst areas around as far as standing water is concerned.  Probably one of the reasons the city didn’t want to deal with it any more.  But it was good to have a place for all these kiddos to run and climb and swing. 

They pitched their sleeping bags on the floor and watched the movie “Sing.”  Not one I ever heard of, but it did have some funny parts.  Especially the old guy who danced kind of like me.  I could really relate.  I had to run over to Nathan’s to let the dogs back inside, so I didn’t see all of it.  And to be honest I was also watching the progress of the Astros game on my phone, since the TV was in use.  They won yet again.  Go Astros.

Now this morning we are headed over to the church … early … for our big pancake breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m.  Proceeds go towards new playground equipment for the church, so come on out and join us.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Father, thank you over and over again for these special children you have blessed us with.  Amen.

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