Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21 – “Interlude”

As we plotted out our next course of action it was becoming more and more evident that Chris was in more and more pain from her shingles.  On a whim we decided to head for home to sleep in our own bed for a night or two.  There was still one more place we were interested in seeing before we called it a year on the vacation front, but she needed to rest up first.  I gotta say, I slept better in our bed than I had for about a week.  Part of that was the Celebrex I took to try to calm the nerve pain that has been coursing through my neck and into my face.  Either that did the trick, or I was exhausted, or I was in my own bed, or some combination of the above.  We let Nathan know we were home, but no one else. 

I think someone on the Weird Vacation Police took pity on our situation and brought some weirdness to us, though.  And we didn’t even have to go to WalMart.  We were in the front yard, minding our own business when down the street came a riding lawn mower.  And who should at the controls?  A guy dressed to the hilt as … a cowboy.  Hat, boots, checkered shirt, bandanna and all.  He puttered by and stopped at a pickup truck (of course).  He pulled out his bandanna (red, of course), mopped his sweaty brow, hopped back on his trusty steed and headed back to wherever he came from.  YeeHaw.

We went to look at a shop near the Strand that carries nautical themed stuff.  Chris is looking for a ship-looking box that will hold a box of Kleenex.  As luck would have it, the place was closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  So we did what everyone must do at least once on vacation … we went to WalMart.  We wanted to pick up some fruit and milk.  And while there I met George.  He was a cousin to my shirt George that we left in Waco.  I was excited that they had the same name.  So excited that I invited George to come home with us.  He agreed, so George will likely accompany us to church on Sunday.  Oh, and I checked.  I do have one more pair of black jeans for church.  We are all set.  After WalMart I hit the couch to watch the Astros sweep the Marlins and Chris retired to the bedroom.  We both obviously needed the sleep.  Not that I slept through the whole game, mind you.  I witnessed most of the victory.  It was good to add this interlude at home to our weird vacation, though.  Helped us be ready for the last leg … Eastward.

Hebrews 10:14 says, “For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.”

Father, thank you for interludes.  Sometimes we just need to stop.  Amen.

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